Using Front Awesome on the topics and forums pages in mobile view | Own text module for replies/topics/forums in the front-end

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Sebastian 3 years


Iám unable to use Font Awesome in the text modules on the forums and topics page.
Font Awesome is not included in the mobile version of the forum. However, this is the case in the desktop variant.
Is it disabled in the mobile view?

Also, it would be cool to be able to rename the title "Replies" next to "People" and "Likes" without also changing the heading in the WP Admin menu. Maybe a fix can be included in the next update?!

Because I would like to use icons instead of the text blocks, because it comes to unwanted line breaks in the German translation. For example, "Updated" means "Last updated" or "Last activity" in German. A line break is then generated.

Addendum: In the mobile view, the number of replies etc. is indicated below the description of the forum or topic. There is not the icon of Front Awesome output but only the source code such as "1 <i class="comment-xy"></i>". It seems that the implementation of Font Awesome is not working there. This does not occur on a desktop resolution.

Thank you!

Many greetings
