Changes to ForumWP

Hi everyone!

I just wanted to provide an update on what's been happening with ForumWP recently and what's going to be happening in the future.

We've decided to make some changes to ForumWP and we will shortly be switching the plugin to be a freemium plugin and launching a free version of the plugin onto the official plugin directory. In addition, we will be replacing the current paid plans with one pro version.

We're doing this as we want to see more people using ForumWP and having a free version it will allow people to get started with the plugin without having to commit to paying.

The free version will be similar to the current plugin provided in the basic plan but without the modules. All modules have been moved into the pro version.

For existing customers, you will automatically see the pro version of the plugin in your account along with a new license key. You'll just need to download ForumWP Pro from your account and install it on your website once you have updated ForumWP to version 2.

You can find more details about the update here.